
Wednesday, November 2, 2011

We need your help to identify spotted wing drosophila research and extension needs in the eastern US!

The rapid spread of spotted wing drosophila (SWD, Drosophila suzukii) in the eastern United States and the associated damage to berry crops has highlighted the need for research and education on this pest in east to compliment ongoing activities in the western US.

If you are a fruit grower, gardener, extension agent, crop consultant, fruit marketer, or have a stake in SWD management for another reason, please fill out the survey below by December 1, 2011. Be sure to scroll all the way to the bottom to submit.

We need your input to be sure that the work we do meets your needs! To learn more about SWD in the southeast, see here.

Thank you to all of you who shared your thoughts on spotted wing drosophila research needs!  We received 273 online submissions and 46 hard copy submissions.  I will be summarizing the results of this survey in the next few days.